2J ToolBox Overview
2JToolBox it’s joomla extension for advanced resources and content management. It’s based on 2Joomlanet framework. During last year we see that Joomla! project start growing really fast. From the Joomla! project official press releases and blogs we can see that they have so much plans. We decided that if we wish to fit all this growing of the Joomla! project and stay updated with all our extensions in future we need to implement such framework.

So what is 2JToolBox? 2JToolBox - it's resources and content management tool. You actually don’t using 2JToolBox as separate extension. It’s working like an extension with basic functionality required for creating any type of slider, carousel, slideshow and etc.
This is set of tools working with all resources required for all this type of extensions: images , content and etc. Only one important note that all this functionality depend of plugins.
So if you install 2JToolBox with 2JTabs and 2JNewsSlider plugin then you’ll have ability to create tabs and sliders and publish them on the front end of your website.
As result all our customers receive a bench of the advantages:
Optimized code loading – in the case if you have few 2JoomlaNet extensions you don’t have any libs loaded few times. All JQuery files or our AJAX libs loading only once and all our extensions use them.
Resources management – in 2JToolbox we have implemented media manager. Media Manager it’s internal tool for uploading and preview images. 2JToolBox support advanced images management system. We implement batch upload and scan images from server directory function.
Cross extensions images re-usage – when you upload images to the 2JToolBox you can use the same sets of images in different extensions at the same time. For example If you upload set of images: Gallery1 into 2JToolbox and you have installed there 2JCarousel and 2JImageViewer plugins then you can use Gallery 1 images in both of this extensions.
All our extensions implemented as plugins for 2JToolbox - it’s looks like most effective solution. It’s easy to use and powerful at the same time.
All advanced functionality of every 2JoomlaNet extension implemented most effective way. We’re trying implement our extensions with thoughts about every our customer. No matter if you professional joomla user or just a newbie. With 2JToolbox interface you can setup any one of our extension in one place in just a few minutes. At the same time if you looking for some advanced customization you can easily edit CSS styles of every extension or using more advanced settings.
From this days you receiving new power of 2JoomlaNet extensions with 2JToolBox. It’s completely new complex approach to the management of the extensions and your joomla component resources.